Ken Hudgeons
Ken has worked in the oil & gas industry for over 47 years and has actively contributed to the evolution of the natural gas measurement sector. From mechanical to electronic meters, and manual controls to systemwide automation technology, Ken has seen the industry develop, grow and change in monumental ways from the ground up to where it is today.
Ken has been a longtime industry advocate and has contributed his voice and expertise to many professional and trade organizations through the years. He currently serves on the executive board of the International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement (ISHM) and is a member of the Midwest Measurement Society and the Midcontinent Gas Processors Association (MCGPA).
Ken started his career at Thurmond McGlothlin – now Thurmond – while in high school and began fulltime in 1976. He was instrumental in establishing field offices in Gillette, Wyoming; Roosevelt, Utah; Williston, North Dakota; Woodward and Hennessey, Oklahoma. He was named president of the company in 2008 and chairman in 2023.
Ken is a 1974 graduate of Oklahoma State University.